Janata Seva Sangh is a non-profit Trust established by former Mayor of Mumbai, Dr. Prabhakar S. Pai in 1962 as a service to the community, to provide free medical services and other aid to the underprivileged. The said Trust is a Charitable Trust registered under the Public Trust Act, 1950, vide registration no. P.T.R.E 5227, Bombay. The working of the Sangh directly impacts the lives of the underprivileged community of Mumbai by way of free medical aid and funding Children’s education.
DR. PRABHAKAR SANJIV PAI, former Mayor of Mumbai (1982-83), the chairman & founder has been able to contribute appreciably to the upsurge of human endeavors to serve the less fortunate brethren, particularly in the field of civic, medical & educational fields.
Janata Seva Sangh has been active in its services since 1962, registered in 1973 and since the last 56 years worked towards community service and we continue to do so.
The Sangh assists people based on their need. The work of the Sangh extends into the Rural and Tribal communities of Maharashtra.
Hope is what drives every human to believe that tomorrow will be better. Hope is what gives us strength to wake up every morning and carry on with our day no matter how hard it might seem and hope is essentially what separates us from lesser fortunate living things. Now there are some amongst us that believe that life on this earth can be more than just survival. The more blessed amongst us have had the opportunities and experienced wealth through education and the monetary kind. These few, these happy few believe that they can bring hope to many not from any form of altruism, but from a genuine desire to help those less fortunate, those who can’t do much else than HOPE.
The Sangh’s efforts have contributed to the successful establishment of various municipal free dispensaries, donation of ambulances, free books to students, contribution to education fees.
The Sangh does not wish to rest content with its past achievements. In the present day world, we will have to march with the times be it in the field of civic amenities, educational facilities, cultural environment & medical services.
The Sangh has ambitious plans chalked out in the furtherance of its objects.
The Sangh needs the co-operation and help from generous public and charitable institutions in its endeavour to help the cause of free medical, educational, and cultural facilities and environment to the needy and less fortunate citizens.
The Sangh appeals to the Government of Maharashtra and the Municipal Corporation of the Greater Bombay for their co-operation to enable the Sangh to fulfill its noble ideals. The need for institutions like the Sangh is all the more today in view of the multiplicity of problems facing the common man, who need a helping hand from all quarters.
We hope that you extend your hand in co-operation and help in furtherance of Sangh’s activities in the years to come so that the Sangh can continue to march with Zest and Vigour in the Service of Fellow Citizens.
We hope you extend your hand of co-operation and help in furtherance of the Sangh’s activities in the years to come so that the Sangh can continue to march with zest and vigor in the service of fellow citizens.